Healing Warrior Tribe
Take responsibility over your life and find your ultimate purpose
Are you open to receive the guidance to make lasting changes in your life?
An entirely holistic journey of discovery, growth and expansion. From spiritually enlightening to a solid science-based sharing of knowledge, Rajan will guide you to realign with your Highest potential and heal your body, mind and spirit!

Udal Vazhil Thedal
An ancient warrior art gifted to humans which focuses on healing the physical body as well as the energy body. This practice will completely transform your body to become the vessel of a warrior, expanding your awareness, clearing your energy field and aligning your chakras.
Karlakatai is an ancient warrior art, which was mainly used by the Tamil people of the Indian subcontinent. Karalakatai training is a wholistic approach to training your entire body, making it fit and healthy. This practice increases joint mobility, strengthens posterior chain, develops and enhances neural coordination. It works on all 12 of the body systems, helping the practitioner keep a clear, sharp and calm mind through meditative movement.

"A Doctor tries to cure disease, But Nature Heals"

“If you come to doubt, I’ll give you every reason to doubt. If you come suspicious, I’ll give you every reason to be suspicious. But if you come seeking Love, I’ll show you more Love than you’ve ever known" – Mahavatar Babaji
Read feedback from long-term students who took training classes and consultations